Bob Bishop was scrolling his Twitter feed when the dinosaur tweet popped up. The moment he spotted the author’s name he couldn’t suppress a guffaw.
“Something tickled your fancy guv’nor?” Lauren glanced up from the adjacent terminal where she was uploading the latest target package onto Crimefighter.
Bishop pointed at the screen. “Rave from the grave,” he said, chuckling, “I can’t believe that old war horse is still alive and kicking.”
The girl came around and stood behind him, reading the tweet over his shoulder. “Bit strong. Who’s Jack Rivers anyway, bit of a nutter?”.
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How to transfer files to your Kindle device.
- Connect your Kindle to your computer.
- Using the supplied USB cable
- Your device will now be available as a drive letter
- My Computer for Windows PC
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- There are 3 folders on the device:
- Documents - Digital reading materials. Newspapers, books, etc.
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- The Kindle supports these file formats:
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- Copy your files to the folders to transfer them to the device.
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