The day the burka bandit hit the King Kebab mini mosque and sparked an international incident, Detective Constable “Metal” Mike Malloy was raiding his brother in law’s scrap yard. It was good solid CID work, the sort he enjoyed, so whenever the stats needed a boost he would borrow a couple of PCs from the relief, a handful of PCSOs and a dog handler for good measure and they would roar down the Old Kent Road in unmarked cars and a couple of vans blues-and-two’s going full blast and turn the place over in fine old style.
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How to transfer files to your Kindle device.
- Connect your Kindle to your computer.
- Using the supplied USB cable
- Your device will now be available as a drive letter
- My Computer for Windows PC
- The Finder for Mac OS
- There are 3 folders on the device:
- Documents - Digital reading materials. Newspapers, books, etc.
- Audible - Audiobooks.
- Music - MP3 files.
- The Kindle supports these file formats:
- Kindle (.AZW)
- Text (.TXT)
- Unprotected Mobipocket (.MOBI, .PRC)
- Audible (.AA)
- MP3 (.MP3)
- Copy your files to the folders to transfer them to the device.
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